Social media marketing is proven to be one of the most profitable and effective type of marketing and if you are managing an online business, you better consider using social media marketing strategies for excellent marketing results.

Social media marketing may initially appear to be a major preserve of B2C to Business to Consumer marketer however, a certain social media marketing research revealed that social media marketing can also benefit from this as well as other marketing channels.

Why is Social Media Marketing Beneficial for the B2B Marketers?


Marketers are also human beings and have probably used their social experiences as major parts of their decision making such as “Do you like that person?”, “Do you trust them?” or “Do you see yourself connecting or working with them?”. According to some social media consultants, people encounter many other people every day in varieties of environments and roles and when this is related to work contexts, the company they work for and businesses they deal with, these have built powerful connections focused on knowledge trust as well as the ability to deliver as promised. 

Social media is not an exemption to this. This is actually the online equivalent of relationships and conversations, therefore, when it comes to social media marketing, the B2B firms are usually best positioned to take full advantage of this great online opportunity since it’s intrinsic to what individuals do every day whether it is service or sale.

To put these into context, B2B markets individuals do not purchase from companies without actually checking out first online. The very first place these individuals go to check out reviews is your site. This means that the more individuals checking on your site, the higher the chance of finding customers and doing business with them.

Social media is, therefore, an excellent way of getting more individuals to your site.  Social media marketing can also be a helpful tool for B2B especially in terms of generating more sales.


Best B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies to Consider

Social media in the B2B world is somehow different from the Business to Consumer B2C in terms of contents, style and goals. Now, how can you set a strategy that sets a difference? There are actually effective social media marketing strategies you can take such as:

1. Better Understand Social Media

As B2B marketer, your deep and clear understanding about social media can contribute to your overall business success. B2B marketers should realize that social media takes part in offline and online communication mix optimizing effort instead of any one’s channel. On social media channels most particularly, it is not really all about relationship volume but depth of connection. So, therefore, engage with your audience by asking few questions in between your posts, ask their opinion which will make them feel important.

2.Post content regularly

Post content that generates a lot of engagement. Now the question is “what content should I post to increase engagement?” then I will say that you have to try and see what content is working better for you. Is it images with content or videos and if content then what type is getting more likes and comments, it’s a try and test formula. There are lots of things you can do such as asking your audience “Caption this” and at the end of your post asks “what do you think” etc.

3. Engage with Audience in Social Media

A crucial element for B2B marketers is engaging with their targeted audience through social media. Posing questions which sparks interest is an effective and legitimate way of getting individuals engage with your company. B2C is more on engaging with brands but B2B is actually all about problem-solving and solution.

4. Be Social

“Being social” instead of “acting social” can effectively and easily generate fear since this is usually presented in the diverse way of doing business or need to adapt to your business. That’s a hard thing to embrace not to mention lack of control over audience response and message. This can lead to an internal debate as to whether social media is really the right platform to get engaged or involved in. However, clients are also changing too and leading this change in collaboration with clients instead of having them adapt to it afterward. This is a more sensible approach to take.



Post the content regularly. Understand your audience, their needs and then come up with the solution. This will not only bring more engagement on social media but will also increase your brand awareness. In this digital world today, people will first search you on the web before buying your services or products. I am not saying that you have to use every social media platform available but you should definitely start with 1 at least.

Find out what is your target audience and where they are spending most of their time. Is it Facebook, Instagram or anything else? Then create a content strategy to target that audience. If done correctly, Social media marketing can bring great results for your business.

If you need any help with Social Media Marketing or Digital Marketing, click this link Excel Marketing to check out our services. Alternatively, Contact Us